Wakasa-nuri chopsticks are a type of traditional Japanese lacquerware that originate from the Wakasa region in Fukui Prefecture, Japan. They are made by coating a base of lightweight wood, such as bamboo or cedar, with layers of natural lacquer that is harvested from trees and refined to create a smooth and durable finish.
Wakasa-nuri chopsticks are renowned for their beautiful designs and glossy, durable finish, which can come in a variety of colors and patterns, such as black, red, or gold. The lacquer also provides a protective layer that makes the chopsticks resistant to heat, water, and stains, ensuring they last for many years.
Chopsticks can be used as a wide range of gifts such as wedding gift and gift for parents.
In Japan, the taste of a meal also enjoy visually.
Kyoto Handicraft Center YOUTUBE: How to use chopsitcks