Promenade of  Noh Mask: Ko-omote, Okina, Hannya

Here is our collection of Noh mask in the physical store, Kyoto.

Okina(elderly man)



Ko-omote(beautiful young lady)



Hannya (Demon)




■Spring Promenade of Noh masks

The season of beautiful fresh green leaves has come.
We enjoy this season just after cherry blossoms.

At first, "Ko-omote", beautiful young lady enjoys the scent of weeping cherry tree.

Don't you think she seems a little bit shy?

It is not surprising because she is really young, 12 to 15 years young lady!
This mask is used for the role of the youngest lady at the Noh theater.

She really enjoy fresh green season in Kyoto.

She says "Cherry blossoms is not only flower!, we have to enjoy fresh green HAZAKURA now!
I am a young lady, so these fresh green leaves are perfect for me!"

(*HAZAKURA means cherry blossoms tree just after flower seasons without flowers.)

In a meanwhile, Ofuku(Otafuku) can't not keep silent.

"No! No! No! Cherry blossoms without flowers are not cherry blossoms!
As you know, I am cute like cherry blossoms flowers!"

Please see from here about Cherry blossoms and Ofuku(Otafuku) story.


The battle of two ladies has started!

Which lady do you prefer??



"Excuse me.... you forget me..."

Hannya appears suddenly! 

" I am a lady, too..."

Actually, "Hannya " is a lady, which exactly means "a lady who became a demon by the resentment and jealousy".
If you see well her facial expression, her eyes look so sad and nose and mouth seems scary.
It means two side of demon-lady which contains buddhist ideology.
The origin of word "Hannya" is sanscrit which means "Buddha's wisdom".
In buddhism, when we was born, the wisdom of Buddha has given us naturally, so all people are good, kind and smart.
However, during our life, we sometime lose these wisdoms because of the worldly desires.
The mask of Hannya expresses a lady's spirit who basically had a "Buddha's wisdom", but swayed by her resentment and jealousy, finally became a demon.

So, Hannya is also a lady and she must have been a beautiful lady.

At the end,,,
Okina looks up the beautiful sky.

The mask of Okina is the oldest mask in the Noh theater and used for the scene of celebration.This Okina is not mere "old man" but an old man and God's messenger.

When a Noh actor who performs an old man in the most popular Noh theater "Okina", He purifies himself by preparing his body and soul for the performance for a certain period of time.

So, the role of Okina is sacred and a symbol of happiness and celebration.

If you see well his facial expression, he smiles gently but a the same time, expresses his nobles and severity.
This is why we call him as a God's messenger.

We showed our collection of Noh masks.
A long time ago, these kinds of mask ware believed to exorcize evil spirits.
We hope that our Okina's mask blow off the pandemic and bring you happiness.

*Our collection of Noh mask are all made of ceramic not wooden mask to enjoy as a decoration not to wear by yourself. If you are interested in, please click here.




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